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Tag Archives: Lew Blaustein
In what is perceived as a shocking move by many town managers throughout the United States (and in other countries around the world), China recently announced it will no longer be taking the world’s recyclables. Local governments and recycling haulers … Continue reading
Posted in Climate Mama News, In The News, Plastics & Plastic Free, Politics, Recycling, Take a Stand: Action & Advocacy
Tagged Carbon Fee and Dividend, CCL, China and Recyclables, China says no more garbage, Citizens Climate Lobby, Citizens Climate Lobby Annual Conference, Climate Hope, climate reality leader, ClimateMama, Green Sports Blog, Lew Blaustein
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Super Bowl XLVIII (48) or Green Super Bowl I: How “Green” are the Super Bowl Teams? Our friend and Climate Reality buddy, Lew Blaustein has a wonderful blog where he writes about the intersection between sustainability and sports at the … Continue reading