Vacation Week at Climate Mama – It’s a wRAP, July 30, 2010

Rockie Mt. National Park - July, 2010

We are all off this week, enjoying the outdoors – hope you are getting some fun time outside this summer too!

Check back next week for Climate Mama updates!!  Happy Summer

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6 Responses to Vacation Week at Climate Mama – It’s a wRAP, July 30, 2010

  1. Sharon says:

    boliviabella.com1 Million Fish Dead in Bolivian Ecological Disaster

    Devastating Global Warming in Bolivia

  2. Jimbo says:

    Why don’t you actually do the research and find out the truth? I don’t understand people repeating things other people say. You are a so called climate blog do your own research.

  3. Jimbo says:

    They start with a premise that global warming is manmade no debate. Anything that adds to that premise they put alot of weight on. ie. Hot in Moscow. Let say I don’t believe your premise and Say look at South America it is having record lows. These are stupid arguments , but sine the AGW crowd has turned there belief into religious belief facts do not matter. What happened to the ice age that was suppose to happen in the 70’s? All I’m saying is do your own research look a global temps research real science.

  4. Jimbo says:

    Isn’t it interesting how certain people follow their newspaper. They never go the extra step and do their own research.

    Global warming–Man-made
    Israel- bad
    Feeling bad for the poor
    USA- bad
    Gays- good

    Abortion- good

    etc etc.

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