The Green Moms Carnival – 10/10/10 Global Work Party & Climate Change from YOUR Perspective – Climate Mama News

I am honored and excited to “officially” join the Green Moms Carnival this month, a diverse group of “green” woman bloggers who support each other and come together on important topics by raising our collective voices. This month, in support of the 10/10/10 Global Work party, we are blogging and raising attention – in our own ferris wheel of influence – on the need for collective action world wide on climate change! We join Global Work parties in 188 countries. On this auspicious day, we are moved and thrilled to be part of the power of many…read on!!

Let’s get started at home by making climate change personal! Meet Diane of the Big Green Purse who shows us how each of us can bring climate change solutions right into our own homes! In keeping with 10/10/10, add another 10 and you have a practical checklist of 10 great ideas for saving money and the environment – choose one and start today!

Deanna, who writes the blog Crunchy Chicken, Putting the Mental into Environmental pulls no punches, getting straight to a serious point and problem facing climate change action the world over…instead of action we see too much apathy. Take an honest look at the issues with Deanna and lets hope that today’s collective actions – ours included- can help in a small way to counter some of that inaction!

Linda aka “Citizen Green,” gives us some great tips on ways we can reduce our consumption of plastic. Did you know plastic contributes to climate change – in a big way – beginning with the fossil fuels that are needed to make it, and ending (or not) with the fact that it never really disappears. Plastic has crept into our lives in a multitude of ways to make our lives “easier.” Yet as Linda helps us understand, most plastics have a negative impact on our planet. Let Linda show you some easy ways to reduce your use of plastic.

Tracy who writes a blog called, “Inspire Planning, shopaholic to ecoholic”
asks us to make talking to our kids about respecting the earth a priority today. She suggests that we start by “DOING” one thing a month that shows our kids that planet earth matter to us! Check out Tracy’s great practical suggestions and ideas for babies, toddlers, tweens, teens and in-betweens!  Tracy tells us: “Don’t give the kids in your life the opportunity to say WTF were you doing…” when you had a chance to do something about climate change. Show the kids in your life that you care and  are doing something about it NOW.

Karen, or Mother Earth as many of her friends call her (you can too!) channels the sage and witty wisdom of Franke James, a Canadian journalist and environmentalist, who asks the question: “What can one person do when 6.8 billion are Frying the Planet?” Good question Franke! Check in with Karen and her blog The Best of Mother Earth, for the answer!

Lisa, the face, power and voice behind Retro-Housewife Goes Green reminds us to think about what we can do to make our towns cleaner, greener places. Lisa shares with us her fight against a local cement plant (btw did you know that according to the New York Times, cement plants emit 5% of ALL worldwide carbon dioxide pollution, the main cause of global warming and climate change.) Lisa also reminds us that while big fights are worth it, they can take a long time to win, so in the short run there are many small changes you can make, like cleaning up a local park, that can help your town be a “greener” place right now!

OrganicMania Mom and blogger extraordinaire Lynn, reminds us that Bill McKibben and the gang aren’t the only ones who picked up on the symmetry of 10/10/10. Stores all over the USA (and maybe beyond) are encouraging shoppers to buy 10 and save 10! A take away from this is that you have a lot of power as a consumer, and stores and suppliers recognize this. Use your power wisely and support those companies and products that really are trying to make a difference by lowering their carbon footprint and yours. Lynn points out some great ideas, including a low carbon Sunday brunch! Check out what Lynn has to say.

Beth is the voice behind Fake Plastic Fish a blog about living with less plastic. Beth shows us through her blog how the power of one can spark bigger actions; exactly what 10/10/10 is trying to do today! Beth uses her irreverent humor and sharp wit to help us look at climate change through the lens of something a little less serious (or not?) – in this case the demise of the compostable Sun Chip Bag. Join Beth as she lays out the pros and cons of the compostable bag, video included!

“If a consumer complained in a forest, ABOUT CLIMATE CHANGE, would anyone hear her?” A question asked by Mary, the voice behind In Women We Trust. Mary looks at the Frito Lay Sun Chip Bag, but from the point of view of the power of many; how 44 thousand Facebook Frito Lay Friends complained about the Sun Chip Bag and the company do we get these same big companies to hear our voices on climate change? Check out Mary’s positive spin….

Sunrise over New Zeland, photo credit

I hope the ideas and thoughts of these inspirational women motivate and empower  you to talk to the kids in your life as well as your friends, family and colleagues, and that together, you will come up with your own Climate Change “Get to Work” day. It doesn’t have to be today; it can happen any day of the week – think about it, plan it and  share it with all of us!

Our politicians continue to close their eyes and put off collective action on climate change – piling this responsibility on the shoulders of future generations. This won’t work, not when climate change is happening today, and effecting all of our lives NOW. Thanks for tuning in – hope we gave you some food for thought (and for action!)

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19 Responses to The Green Moms Carnival – 10/10/10 Global Work Party & Climate Change from YOUR Perspective – Climate Mama News

  1. Welcome once again to Green Moms Carnival and I’m so glad you hosted!

    I loved it when you blogged, “It doesn’t have to be today.” So true. It can be anyday. Tomorrow. Or everyday.

    • Harriet says:

      Thanks for helping to get our contribution to off the ground and up! Looking forward to learning from everyone in the Green Moms Carnival!

    • Harriet says:

      Thanks Lynn for all you did to get the post on the way and off the ground. Thanks for all you do!

  2. Welcome to the group and thanks for hosting!! Look forward to getting to know you. 🙂

  3. Thanks Harriet for gathering our voices this month for our green mom’s carnival!!

  4. Thank you for reminding us to talk to our kids, our coworkers, our friends, our family and our politicians about climate change all year round!!

  5. Thanks for reminding us to talk to our kids, our coworkers, our friends, our family and our politicians about climate change all year round!!
    Thanks for hosting on this important topic!

  6. Isn’t it interesting that none of us is calling for a revolution? Hmmm…I love our consumer and citizen focus, but as I’ve been watching the day unfold, it’s occurred to me that everything we’re suggesting is so…safe. Doesn’t someone need to call for shutting things down and firing people up?

  7. Tracy Gaudet says:

    Thank you so much for hosting, and great posts everyone I loved reading them!

  8. Tracy says:

    Hey, thanks so much for hosting! All the posts were great to read!

    • Harriet says:

      Agreed! Loved that we could all could contribute to this global action, and that we all make it our passion, from our own perspectives, to help people see their connection to making the world a “greener” and healthier place!

    • Harriet says:

      Thanks for your post! Glad to have connected. Look forward to learning more!

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