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Tag Archives: women and climate change
March 8th is International Women’s Day and is observed as a national holiday in many countries around the world. I want to share some of my thoughts with you on this special day. I feel strongly that women are central to … Continue reading
Posted in Climate Mama News, Climate Mamas & Papas, Holidays, Lifestyle & Fun, Take a Stand: Action & Advocacy
Tagged International Womens Day, s'heroes, WECAN, women and climate change, women earth and climate action network, women for climate justice, women warriors, Women's rights
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Looking back five years, 2011 seemed to be a time of new understanding as the role, place and impact of human beings on our planet earth was re-examined. In the United States a sense of optimism was ignited, building hope … Continue reading
Posted in Climate Mama News, Climate Mamas & Papas, In The News, Take a Stand: Action & Advocacy
Tagged #EarthtoMarrakech, climate change, Climate change quotes Women, did glithero climate change, elizabeth joubert climate change, franke james climate change, harriet shugarman, inspiring quotes women, Lauren Sullivan Climate Change, Lisa Borden Climate Change, mothers and climate change, Roz Savage climate change, Sarah Warren Climate Change, women and climate change