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Tag Archives: Hurricane Sandy Climate Change
Tweet Share As our friends at ClimateNexus aptly capture in this photo of New Jersey Governor Christie and through his words; this is how many of us on the east coast feel these days! ENOUGH ALREADY. This next photo is … Continue reading
Posted in Climate Mama News, Climate Mama Video Peek of the Week, Disasters, In The News, Politics, Science, Take a Stand: Action & Advocacy
Tagged 24 Hours of Reality, climate change action, climate change kids, climate change solutions, Climate Reality Project, ClimateMama Climate Reality, Dirty Weather Report, Emily McKhann Climate Change, Hurricane Sandy Climate Change, mothers and climate change, one person can make a difference, parents and climate change, The Motherhood Climate Change
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Tweet Share November 7th: Flights grounded and cancelled at NYC area airports, mandatory evacuations are in effect, generators are full of gas, flashlight batteries have been checked and water bottles filled. Oh, and by the way, President Obama was re-elected … Continue reading
Tweet Share November 5th, 2012. One week post Hurricane Sandy. Another day without power for most of our North Jersey town, another day of no school for my children, 6 days now and counting.Yesterday I spent six hours helping out … Continue reading
Tweet Share Sunday, November 4, 2012, Storm recovery update from my vantage point: No school Monday or Tuesday for my kids..That makes it seven school days, and maybe more that Hurricane Sandy has taken away from my children’s education. But … Continue reading
Tweet Share Feeling lucky, blessed and hopeful… Watching the news, hearing from friends, seeing video and pictures via social media, walking around my own neighborhood, the local devastation and destruction within a 20 mile radius from my home is almost … Continue reading
Posted in Climate Mama News, Disasters, In The News, Politics
Tagged climate change kids, climate change parents, digging out Hurricane Sandy, Hurricane Sandy Climate Change, Hurricane Sandy Connecting the Dots, Hurricane Sandy Digging Out, Hurricane Sandy New Jersey, Hurricane Sandy Politics